Monday, October 24, 2011


Sometimes in order to realize how far I'm coming I am forced to look back and see how far I've please allow me to do that here. =)

Tim purchased a Meijer Garden Membership for me on the last day of June so that I might go often and bring a friend. (I needed something to do to entertain myself this summer!)
And so I've been there quite a few times since June....first with Tyler, other times with Jeanne, with Sherri, with Tim, and maybe another time or two here and there...always in a wheelchair.

Well, I am pleased as punch and THANKFUL to God to say that today I went there with my friend, Lisa, and for around an hour, we strolled through the Gardens at a very relaxed pace, taking a couple of sit-down breaks, and I did my own WALKING! And I did very well, I might add. That's progress....that's real progress, and I am excited about this!

It was SO good for me to do this today, because as I've realized often these past few weeks, the more I recover and the closer I get to being back to 'normal', the more frustrated I can tend to be at the gap that still definitely does exist between where I am and where I need yet to be.

So looking back and realizing how far I've come, that definitely helps! SO today I am celebrating a major milestone! Walking through Meijer Gardens...and what a beautiful October day to do so!

Saturday, October 22, 2011


#40 walking cane-free
#41 an unexpectedly lovely, sunny, mild October day
#42 summer hotel living is over
#43 comfy socks
#44 friendships - old and new


Today was my first total day to be out of the house without the cane. I attended a conference all day at church, and decided to not take my cane along. It was freeing to be cane-free...and also quite an adventure at the same time.

No, I will not be signing up for any marathons any time soon.
Yes, I did feel like I might topple over a couple of times.
No, my stride is not yet smooth.
Yes, my ankle still feels stiff.
No, I didn't know recovery would be this hard and take this long.
But, yes, I'm moving forward...making progress...heading in the right direction.

So I continue to count my blessings, of which I have many. Cane-free, this day is another mile-marker for my journey of recovery.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Blessings .....#30

#30 physical therapists
#31 changed hearts
#32 freedom
#33 hope
#34 joy
#35 peace
#36 love
#37 digital book apps
#38 rain
#39 changed perspectives

Blessings, continued.....#21

#21 Emily returning home unexpectedly in the midst of her busy day
#22 hot water
#23 cleansing showers
#24 sun peeking through clouds
#25 morning mist
#26 nourishing food
#27 healing
#28 more-than-adequate provision
#29 second chances

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Counting Blessings.....starting with #1

Starting with #1 and in no particular order, today I am beginning to blog lists of blessings, great and small....and will add to it along the way.
#1 God
#2 salvation
#3 the sunshine of this October day
#4 the rare, Indian summer warmth of this October day in Michigan
#5 my husband
#6 my daughter
#7 my son
#8 my mom
#9 my dad
#10 friends
#11 clean water, readily available
#12 the ability to get from point A to B on my own two feet
#13 the gift of sight
#14 the gift of hearing
#15 the Bible, God's Word
#16 the freedom to worship
#17 music
#18 laughter
#19 autumn's beauty
#20 my dog, Jake

And there we go, in a matter of a few seconds, I've listed 20 blessings just like that. And I've only tapped the surface. I'll list more later.
What are you grateful for today?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Good News

I am very excited to write this update because it is filled with good news.

Physically I continue to progress. Walking with a cane only, and at home, having permission from the therapist to walk without a cane. This is going well.
I still must move slowly, and if some days I walk more distance than normal, it is not uncommon to "feel it" the next day, so I am definitely obliged to listen to my body for the speed and sequencing of my progress.
But all in all: I feel as though I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Three weeks of therapy remain....hopefully I will be strong enough to be done at that point....Hopefully done with the cane, even though I may still be moving slowly.

Also, good news on the house front: We learned last week that the bank has accepted our offer on the home we plan to buy in Hudsonville. Possession will be sometime near Thanksgiving, so we now have a home to look forward to moving into sometime shortly after that. Such a relief!

And finally, God has been good to allow me to play a healed wrist for the midweek Oasis service these past three weeks, and also play and lead worship for two hours on Saturday at an event at our church.
And as of this coming weekend, after a 5 month absence, I will be returning to play for the weekend services at KCC. This is a big milestone for me! ...cause for great rejoicing!
I'd appreciate your prayers to surround me in peace and God's power through this weekend; that His glory would be beautifully and wonderfully displayed! Can't wait to praise Him in the public assembly for all He has done!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Dad!

Sunday, October 2nd my dad, PAUL DAVIS, is turning 81 years old. Dad is a wonderful man.
In honor of him and his birthday, I compiled this list of "81 Things I Love About You, Dad"...and I'd like to share those things with you.

81 Things I Love About you, Dad:

1. your smile
2. your sense of humor
3. your dark eyes
4. your singing voice
5. you’re a good acoustic guitar player
6. you’re a good bass player
7. you’ve been a good provider for the family
8. you are a good husband to Mom
9. you’re a loving father
10. you’re a proud grandfather
11. you are a great father-in-law to Tim
12. you’re a great builder/woodworker
13. handyman
14. you treated your parents with respect
15. jokes
16. good friend
17. you are generous
18. kind
19. loving
20. happy hearted
21. you believe the best in others
22. you love God
23. you have a big heart
24. you’re a manly man
25. you use good grammar
26. you’re a good storyteller
27. good looking
28. you make people feel comfortable
29. you’ve ‘never met a stranger’
30. a great piano tuner (my favorite!)
31. you have a great musical ‘ear’
32. you say “I’m sorry”
33. you value people
34. you value family
35. you understand the importance of good friendships
36. you like ice cream
37. you make good coffee
38. you are a man of integrity
39. a man of strength
40. you are honest
41. you are kind
42. you are helpful
43. you are courageous
44. you aren’t afraid to cry
45. you are respected by all who know you
46. you are loved by many
47. you’ve taught me so much about life
48. you are smart
49. you used whoppers to bribe me to go down the slide
50. you passed on your musical ‘genes’ to me
51. you passed on your musical ‘genes’ to your grandchildren
52. you take great care of Mom
53. you took good care of me
54. you are forgiving
55. you do laundry
56. you go grocery shopping
57. you do dishes
58. you have a great laugh
59. you’ve been faithful to your family
60. you’ve been faithful to God
61. you gave me a beautiful Kawai piano
62. you have strong hands
63. you can fix anything
64. you have a good reputation
65. you are ‘honored at the city gates’
66. you are a sharp ‘dresser’
67. you mean what you say
68. you sing words you mean
69. you love good music
70. your enthusiasm
71. joyful spirit
72. you have a cute grin
73. you like to ‘give’
74. you have good handwriting
75. you are a good speller
76. you were patient with me as I learned to drive a car
77. you put tape on piano keys to help me learn how to play
78. you show others you care
79. you say “thank you”
80. you let me have a dog while I was growing up
81. you smell good