Thursday, February 19, 2009

Prayers Requested For Mom and Dad

Time for an update about my parents.
Everyone has bad day once in a while and this is just a "bad" day for them.
Nothing in particular, everything in general...
To tell you the truth it is a tough time of waiting for them right now. They are both tired and anxious and having a bit of difficulty with their current circumstances. So any prayers you wish to pray for encouragement, healing and protection are welcomed on their behalf!
We just learned today that Dad is scheduled for an angiogram on Wednesday, March 4th. This will test the size of the blood vessels around the aneurysm and let the doctors know if the method used to fix the aneurysm needs to be an open cut or if they can enter the site with a stent through the groin. We are hoping for it to be the latter, which would be much less instrusive and a faster healing process.
On the 10th of March, Dad will have a followup visit at his doctor's office, and get the date set for the procedure to fix the aortic aneurysm.
Thanks for your love for and interest in my parents....and thanks most of all for your prayers!

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