Friday, July 2, 2010

May 2010

Fast forward from my February post to May...

Two highlights from the month of May 2010:

The first highlight was my parents' one week visit. This was the first time they had been to Michigan in three years. It was wonderful to have them here again in our home and make many wonderful memories together. They flew up from Florida and back this time, instead of driving, as they used to do, and of course, preferred the shorter travel time and are actually talking of flying up again in the future.

While they were here we celebrated (early) the occasion of my parents' 60th Wedding Anniversary (June 2nd, 2010 was the actual date of their anniversary). 60 years is a long time to be married! Congratulations are certainly due to Mom and Dad!
Tim and I surprised Mom and Dad by inviting 30 of their friends for dinner together at the Noel Restaurant in Jamestown Michigan. It was a very festive and special occasion.

The other highlight of the month of May was Tyler's high school graduation. Tyler walked in a graduation ceremony with the West Michigan Homeschool Fine Arts Association. It was a very meaningful and memorable ceremony, with music provided by the Northern Lights Chorale, which both Tyler and Emily sing in, and a class song provided by the seniors, with Tyler singing and playing his guitar. The guest speaker for the graduation service was our good friend and former pastor, Dr. Wayne Schmidt, who spoke on the topic, "It's My Privilege".

All in all, a wonderful month, the month of May. :)